Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Christmas Challenge

Our dear bishop quoted this a few weeks ago.  I found it today and remembered what a wonderful challenge this is.  I hope to succeed in allowing someone to feel Christ's love through me before Christmas.


The beginning of December I found that we were able to head outside with just sweatshirts on.  In fact, Drake and I raked leaves all morning on Monday, then Leah and Drake enjoyed playing on the school playground.  Leah ended up finding a ladybug shell among the leaves.  I was a beautiful day, and I was loving it because it is so unlike the weather that I have ever had at the beginning of December.

Then on Thursday Heavenly Father blessed us with a little bit of home by sending a cold front along with a storm.  Friday school was cancelled along with all extra curricular activities, that included Caleb's basketball tournament. It has been a welcome break.  
Friday morning we woke up with several inches of snow.  
By the afternoon I don't think there was a part of our yard that didn't have a footprint in the snow.  

 This was our entryway at the end of the day.  A few towels with shoes all over the place.

One of my favorite traditions is whenever there is a snow day and the kids are home from school I like to make homemade doughnuts.  I use my Grandma Bowers' recipe as did my mother.  It sure brings comfort to those tummies that have been playing out in the cold all day.

We used a reward system called "brownie points" to help the kids know how many doughnuts they could eat.  Each time a child did their chore or was kind to someone they received a point.  How ever many points they had told how many doughnuts they were awarded.  It was great!  I had kids willing to do all sorts of extra chores.  Unfortunately the doughnuts ran out before the chores did.
I also love to make homemade hot chocolate on cold snowy days.  Everyone wanted seconds on that too.

It now feels like it can be Christmas.  We have the cold outside with warm treats in our belly.  Drake and I worked hard during the days this week to set up all of our Christmas decorations, so just another element added to make sure that Christmas can be on it's way.

 Thanks to Heavenly Father for allowing us to have a little home here in Oklahoma.


We sure have been blessed in so many ways.  
I love the opportunity to think about all of those blessings during Thanksgiving.  

Doug and I decided this year to invite the missionaries for the Thanksgiving dinner.  It was because of some advice from Terry and Denise Littledike that we chose to have the missionaries.  Terry and Denise once had the exact same job that Doug took and had to learn how to live without their family near, so they often had the missionaries in their home.  It was a great feeling to know that we could serve others who also were missing family on this day.
   Now, inviting the missionaries here is no small feat.  We have four in our ward and three serve in the institute where Doug is currently working.  Two other missionaries were invited to come as well, so in all we had 9.  That makes 12 adults for dinner along with our 4 children.

 Thanksgiving is Doug's favorite holiday because he usually plays 4-5 games of football while I cook.  This year was a bit bitter for him because he was unable to play.  Not only because of his former health problems that he incurred from his meniscus surgery he had during Labor day weekend, but he played football about a month or so ago and he tore several ligaments on his opposite leg.  Thanksgiving football is one of his most favorite things (this has been a source of argument between he and I for several years) and this was his first time in 20 years he has not played.

Caleb, Brody, Drake, and Leah enjoyed playing just dance on the Wii during the cooking.

This is a silly video of Leah.  A few years ago at my parents home my siblings dressed Caleb up as a turkey and put on a Thanksgiving play.  Caleb decided to carry on the tradition.  This is Leah trying to figure out how to walk like a turkey, but she was unable to remember her lines so Drake ended up acting out the turkey when they performed for the missionaries.

It was a great day.  We ended up eating at the Institute because there was no way I would have been able to fit all the missionaries in our home.  The Sister had come the day before to help cook pies, deviled eggs, and rolls.  The Elders did the dishes. We all played a few games and enjoyed visiting with each other. It really did feel like we were family.

Friday we had a real treat.
My good friends the Barton's came to visit.  I taught at the high school in Melba with Dennis.  They had come to Oklahoma to visit his sister for Thanksgiving and found that she only lived about 10 minutes away from us.  What a great visit we had.  Jennifer is always so much fun to talk with.  They had moved this summer as well to a new town, so it was fun to ask about how their transition was going.  It's interesting the places you find dear good friends.  I never would have expected to have become so close.  I am so thankful for it.

Like I said, we are so blessed.

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Weather

You know, we heard that we were going to love the fall and winter here in Oklahoma.  I have been loving this fall.  There are still so many trees with the beautiful colors of autumn on them.
These trees really love the leaves, they just won't let go of them.

Last week we had gorgeous weather.  There were days that were nearly 70 degrees.  I have enjoyed walking just over the mile to Leah's school in the afternoon to pick her up and the weather could not have been more picture perfect.  Walking home with the cutest kids in the world is also a wonderful thing.  I love when they share what is on their minds and also find wonderful discoveries in nature.  There have been many times when we have brought home a stick, acorn, or leaf collection.

The following picture is the street that we walk home on.  This was from a few weeks ago.  The first time I drove down this street with all of the trees I fell in love.

Well, guess what?  The weather changed.   Last Thursday morning I woke up and turned on the news to see what we were going to be expecting as far as the weather goes.  I was very surprised!  
I honestly don't remember the last time I saw a 100% chance of precipitation.  

Not only was I surprised by the 100% chance of precipitation, but I was also surprised by the sudden drop from 68 high on Thursday to 32 high on Friday, and I have never seen or been through an ICE storm before.  Then, on Sunday it showed a 70% chance of snow.  It rarely snows in Oklahoma, so it is a dramatic event when it happens.  Everyone makes a pretty big deal about it and hardly anyone is on the roads.  It's kind of nice....  

Now knowing that the weather was definitely changing from the wonderland that I had been enjoying I decided to go and talk to the Support Specialist (secretary) in at the Institute to ask about what I need to expect. She was super helpful.  After she showed me some pictures of what to expect I learned that I was thankful we had a fire place just in case the power went out. (which it did not.)

This weekend was fantastic.  We stayed home and rested up.  Caleb was to have a basketball game, but it was cancelled due to the icy roads.  We watched some fun movies, played some games, and read some books snuggled under some blankets and with the fireplace in use.  It was so good in fact, I didn't want to send the kids to school today.  I just love having my family near.

This morning though we got up and got ready and sent the children where they were supposed to go.  As I was driving home from dropping them off I noticed that still the leaves were stuck to the trees.  Even though they had each been coated by ice through the weekend they are still as beautiful as ever.  It was like the ice had preservation effect. 

The red leaves on the tree near our driveway.
The tree near our driveway

Isn't it beautiful?  I am so used to Idaho where by the time it snows everything is all brown, and there isn't much color left.  It was simply beautiful to see all the icy crunchy piles of leaves and the dust of white snow all around.  It creates some sort of magic in me.  I just want to stay near my loved ones and pretend we all live in a snow globe.  

 I love learning about this new home.  

The tree in front of our kitchen window. 11/25/2013
Did you notice the snow?  

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Happenings

Recently our oldest child, Caleb, finished his football season as a seventh grader.  He was pretty successful too because he played every minute in every game during the season.  I love that kid and the hard work ethic that he has.  He is an amazing example to me in so many ways.
Caleb now had the opportunity to make the 7th grade basketball team.  So far he has just been participating in practices, but his first game is tomorrow night, we will see how that goes.  He loves sports and loves to be busy.  Every minute spare time he has he asks to go play basketball so that he can improve as much as possible.  

Brody is currently playing the tuba in the 6th grade band.  I love listening to him play.  He is really pretty good at it and has a natural knack for it.  His band teacher Mr. C complimented him in front of the entire band the other day announcing to one and all "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a tuba player!"  Brody beamed with confidence about this.  He is thrilled to be finding his way in this new town.  He has a friend who is also in the band that he met this summer, but if you know Brody at all he has many more friends now.  That kid is one of the friendliest I have ever known.  I love his genuine heart.  

Leah exudes confidence in her academics.  She recently found out from her report card that she is excelling in each subject.  She loves her teacher.  We have decided that her teacher reminds us of Miss Honey from the book Matilda.  Leah not only believes that she is smart, but she now knows she is smart.  I have heard her claim that a few times in the last week and it sure makes my heart swell.  Leah is a girl after my own heart, she loves all things that involve the arts.  She is constantly drawing and creating.  She has expressed her desire to begin a dance class so that one day she can be a great dancer. We have enjoyed many things together as mother and daughter.  I could not be more blessed.

Drake.  Oh Drake.  That kid has me wrapped around his little finger.  Drake loves to snuggle and he enjoys playing trains, cars, and legos.  He is the life of the party whenever we go to the Institute to visit Doug at work.  Elder and Sister Homan the missionary couple who serve in the Institute also love Drake to bits.  Drake is learning to play the harmonica so that he and Elder Homan can play as a duet one day.  Drake is clever, and he knows that he is loved beyond his capacity to understand.  Drake is one smart boy and he will never cease to amaze me with words that come out of his mouth.  

Doug is learning more and more about his new job each week.  I am sure that he is overwhelmed often, and I try to ease his burdens as best as I can.  This is a huge learning curve and he has quite a bit more responsibility than he had in Idaho.   

I help at the Institute once a week by making lunch for "Friday Forum".  This is when students come to listen to a speaker and then eat a yummy lunch afterwards.  I work with another woman to do this and I am so thankful to have a purpose.  It also allows me the opportunity to meet the people Doug works with on a regular basis.  I love being able to put a face to a name. 

Doug's younger sister, Megan, recently moved here to Oklahoma and is currently residing with us.  It has been so great to have her here.  Leah mentioned how excited she was to get a sister.  Megan amazes me with how well she is getting along.  She found herself a job already and has found opportunities to work a little on the side helping an elderly couple.  She is also already in the social scene of the singles ward, she goes to all the functions she can and participates in Institute.  She is also a great support to Doug. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Not Easy

Would you say you have an easy life?


What?  You must, you look like you have it all together!

Something that I have realized lately is that not one person on this earth has it easy.  Life is NOT easy.  It wasn't meant to be.

I recently was reading the life story of my step-mom's grandmother.  I found her life so interesting.  She was born in Germany and joined the church there. She was growing up during much of the Hitler years.  Later one of the missionaries came back and married her and he then brought her back to the states.  Their life was tough!  They had a farm and also eight children.  She was married to her sweetheart for just over 20 years when he had an accident and died, leaving her alone to raise the rest of the children left at home.  She worked on the farm with her children to keep the family united and fed.
She lived as a widow for 48 more years before she was able to join her sweetheart.  Of course there are many, many, more details to this sweet woman's life, but what I realized is her life was not easy.  Though when I met this Grandma, she was so gentle and kind, I would never have imagined that she had gone through such trials.

As we prepared to move here to Oklahoma, we knew were supposed to come here.  We had that personal revelation revealed to us through the Holy Ghost.   It was amazing.  I lean on that feeling a lot.  Why?  I have to lean on that feeling a lot to remind myself that this is what the Lord wanted us to do.
Life is hard.  We have had hard times.  Not everything goes our way.  I certainly have imagined much of our experience here to go much differently.

Life certainly isn't easy, but if it were easy would it be memorable or as wonderful?  Would I be able to realize the beauty of a great day if I had not had the crummy days before?  I figure that I am still being blessed, that I am being built to be the exact person Heavenly Father wants me to be.  Through each experience I learn and I grow.  If I become bitter, I believe that my growing will lessen.  I want to be what Heavenly Father has envisioned me to become.  I don't know what the future will hold, and frankly I truly don't want to know.  I can only handle one day at a time, trying my best.  My best is not anyone else's best, but it is MY best.  If I keep putting in my best, eventually I will become better than I am today.

Knowing that others have had trials comforts me. I love knowing that we are all in this together; that generations before us have had to problem solve their lives day by day and generations after us will have to do the same.  It is in this that it really doesn't matter our age or our differences, because we all have one similar truth....Life is not Easy.

Monday, November 4, 2013


Over the last 48 hours I have thought about the topic of best friends quite a few times.

Saturday I woke and worked through some things, then I decided to try to call one of my dearest friends.  When her husband (who is super wonderful and sweet) answered the phone I was a bit disappointed, then when he told me that she was away and that he had to take a message I began to tear up.  For some reason at that point in time I just wanted to talk to her.  No one else would do.

It was the greatest last night when she returned my call.  She made my day.  She can tell me things that makes me laugh so hard, then she can understand me so well that she can bring tears to my eyes. She is a great listener and I can trust her with anything.

In a true friendship it really doesn't matter how long it has been since you have seen or talked to your friend, because the relationship is always there ready for you to pick up where you left off.

There are just some people that you connect with in life.  They understand you like no one else.

Last night Megan (Doug's sister) arrived.  She has made the giant decision to move here to Norman, Oklahoma.  We were very excited!  She was blessed to travel here with her best friend.  As she watched me while I described talking to my friend she teared up at the fact that she is going to be separating from her friend.  I enjoyed watching the way those two interacted.  They know so much about each other.  I also empathize with her.  It is tough to leave dear friends.

Today I realize how blessed I truly am.  I have had the experience of dear friends.  Those in whom I can trust with parts of my heart.  My dear friends do not ever have in their intentions to use what I have confided in them to injure me.  They are patient and kind and understanding.

I may not have millions of friends, but I can tell you that I truly value the friendship of my good, dear friends.

Thank you so much for being there when I need you.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Night Walk

Tonight we went on a wonderful Sunday walk.  We walked around OU campus.  Wow, what  a beautiful place.  The flowers and the sculptures and the buildings and the fountains.  I could spend so much time just sitting and drinking up all of the beauty.  
The picture above is all four of our children enjoying one such beautiful fountain that was donated to the university by the class of 1935.  I vow that we will have many more such walks in the future.


Last night I had a dream.  You know those dreams that you have that bother you even while you are dreaming it? Well, it was that kind of dream.  I dreamt that Doug was asked to move to Seattle to teach there and we were going to have to leave Oklahoma. In the dream we were packing and driving away from our current position.  I remember that I cried and cried.  In fact in the dream I remember realizing that I was crying much more than I had when I had to leave Idaho.  Despite how sad I was I remember that our extended family was super excited to have us so much closer.            I woke up.

It was then that I realized how much I love being here in Oklahoma.

Last week our ward here in Oklahoma incurred some boundary changes.  CHANGE.  Many people in our ward were a bit melancholy today as we went to church, because they were missing some of their dear friends.    It didn't hurt our family too much, because we are still learning who is who in our ward.  In fact, there are less people now, so now I hold out some hope of getting to know everyone a little bit better and a little bit faster.

Perhaps this is what brought on the strange dream I had.

As we were in church today there were three speakers, all the members of our bishopric, our leaders.
One is a new friend who actually used to be the bishop of another ward (and by 'used to be', I mean up until last week. His family was affected by the re-allignment of the ward boundaries, and our Bishop called him in place of his counselor that was affected by the boundary change as well).  All the speakers today spoke about the same topic:  CHANGE.  Our new friend shared a conference talk that had a beautiful analogy about a root bound plant.  It is so great that I have decided to share it with you:

When a choice plant became root bound and began to deteriorate, a young friend of ours decided to transplant it to a larger container. Carefully he lifted the greenery from its small pot and put it into its larger home, trying to disturb the roots and soil as little as possible. The novice gardener watched and waited. To his dismay, the plant still struggled. Our friend expressed his frustration to an experienced gardener who offered his services. When the plant was placed in the gardener’s hands, he turned the pot upside down, pulled out the plant, shook the soil from the roots, and clipped and pulled all the stragglers from the root system. Replacing the plant into the pot, he vigorously pushed the soil tightly around the plant. Soon the plant took on new life and grew.
How often in life do we set our own roots into the soil of life and become root bound? We may treat ourselves too gently and defy anyone to disturb the soil or trim back our root system. Under these conditions we too must struggle to make progress. Oh, change is hard! Change can be rough.
The Lord does not want His church to become root bound and stagnant. Constant revelation through the prophets is needed for the growth of His kingdom.
There is nothing so unchanging, so inevitable as change itself. The things we see, touch, and feel are always changing. Relationships between friends, husband and wife, father and son, brother and sister are all dynamic, changing relationships. There is a constant that allows us to use change for our own good, and that constant is the revealed eternal truths of our Heavenly Father.

Marvin J. Ashton, Progress Through Change

If you are interested in reading the rest of this great talk, you can go here.

I suppose that the reason that I feel so impressed by this talk was because lately we, the Sturges Family, have gone through quite a bit of change.  We moved from our home in Melba.  Melba truly was our home in every way.  We put all of our heart and soul into that small community.  It hurt when we had to leave.  Melba helped Doug and I become who we are today.  Melba is a major part of our children's childhood.  

It was challenging for a while.  I have missed much of our Idaho life.  But, now that we have been here for three months I find that I am growing.  I am changing a bit.  I am becoming exactly what my Heavenly Father wants me to be. He is blessing me in so many ways.  Our children are also feeling the comfort of Heavenly Father's blessings.  It hurt some to have my roots pulled apart, but hopefully in a year or so I will be a more beautiful plant that has learned to take on new life and GROW.  

How have you found that CHANGE has blessed you?

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The last few weeks

The last few weeks have been full.  Mostly of adventures we would rather not have.  Doug has had some complications that have resulted from his knee surgery, and he has been through many doctor appointments.  Last Friday he was meeting in OKC with a physician and if we had not gone through this experience, we would not have met Howdy.  Howdy was Doug's nurse.  She is a woman of about 45 years of age and had some fun stories to tell.  I just thought that it was super fun to say,"See ya later Howdy."  What an oxymoron sentence.  How often does one get to say such things.  Well, what I didn't know was that as I left the parking garage I was going to meet a parking attendant named Yajuanna.   That's right.  As I read her name I asked her how she pronounced it.     How would you say this unusual name?   You wanna guess?

You Wanna.

  That is how you would pronounce it!  So on my way back home I called my friend Peggy and told her of both of the unusual name I had come upon in the last hour.  She is always good to cheer me up with a laugh.  I also called Megan (my sister-in-law) and she and I chuckled about these for a bit.  I always need a good laugh, so I decided that this was a blessing from Heavenly Father.

This we Doug and i were blessed to have my step-mom come into town to enjoy the role of Grandma.  When we were still in Idaho we learned that there would be a Husband and Wife Conference in Dallas that was in October.  We arranged with Sharon to come and she was super happy to help us with this need.  I gotta say that the kids were equally as pleased.  They were able to go on adventures with her and be spoiled by her.  I don't think the visit will ever be forgotten.  It was so good to have her come and it felt like home with her here.

As Doug and I went to Dallas we followed the directions to meet at the front of the Dallas Temple in our athletic gear. ( I loved meeting there.  I had forgotten that the Dallas temple and the Boise Idaho temple were built around the same time, so they both look very similar. Another blessing to me.)  As the group gathered we were told that we were going to run "The Amazing Race", and we were handed our first clue.  Doug and I were super excited about the theme of the conference because this is our all time favorite TV show.  We love the challenges and the travels.  The amazing race that we ran was as a couple and each clue was to teach us how to unite together.  During the first leg of the race we had to do numerous exercises, stack cups, find our name in a room of 1,000 cups, and list characteristics we love about each other.  The second leg began the next morning and we were thrust on a train into downtown Dallas.  We had to take pictures of ourselves next to four different "features" of Dallas.  The third leg of the race we had to share painting a picture and then finish the race with running a three legged race.    Honestly, I believe that this conference could not have been more custom made for Doug and I.  We had a blast.

Sometimes I think Heavenly Father must look down from heaven above and just laugh.  Am I crazy or have any of you had this thought as well?

I was so nervous about going to this conference.   I wonder if God giggled in excitement for what He had in store for us.  He knew that Doug and I needed the conference to be planned exactly the way it was planned.  He knew how much fun we would have with the challenges and also how we would be able to come closer together with them.  We also were able to get to know other couples better by going through some of the challenges with them.

I am so thankful that Heavenly Father knows what I need.  I am also so glad that He knows my future and is concerned for me.  Heavenly Father has built me up from my past experiences for a reason, and He has a path for me to go.  I am very happy that I don't know the future.  I know that if I knew the future that I would shirk from what I need to go do.  I also am so thankful for personal revelation.  I can communicate with my Heavenly Father and through personal revelation He can communicate with me. He can guide and direct me if my heart is pure.    I am so thankful for the examples of those that are around me.  I love that I can follow what is good from each of their lives.  I am so blessed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My maiden name is Bowers

Brody went on a campout with his 11 year-old scout troop this last weekend.  His first scout campout.  He loved getting out and adventuring as any boy his age would.  He was assigned to design and bring the troop flag, and he also helped to create a chant for the troop.  He was super delighted to come home and tell me that he won first place on his flag and second place on his chant.  This was a campout with many other troops so the competition was there to be had.  He was super delighted to have such success and acceptance.

Caleb last week realized the wonderfulness of 7-eleven slurpies.  We only live about a tenth of a mile away from a 7-eleven, and alas he has been very happy to go back twice to purchase some.  He was very generous and shared his new found addiction to his little brother and sister while Brody was gone on his campout.  

Doug announced his first event for OU last Friday.  He sounded great.  It was a girls soccer game and the kids and I sat just outside the fence to listen to him.  I believe that he really could get places with that great voice of his. 

For me the last week has involved me becoming a bit of a loose cannon.  You never know when I am going to let someone have it.  I have not been to excited about it, because along with a great story to tell, there comes some serious regret, retrospect, then repentance.  After communicating with my most adored sister in law Megan, I realized why I am flying off the handle and loosing my self control.  I have been so anxious.  Anxious about Doug.  His knee surgery has healed, but it also has caused some other issues that have bothered me.  I have been very worried and very unsure about what I should do.  I love that man of mine and I don't want to hover over him, but I am very much a mother and wife, so I feel like I need to hover just a bit.  What do I do to help him?  What should I feed him?  Do I make him get up and walk it off?   Do I call someone? I have been very unsure about so many aspects that I am feeling very out of control of everything.  Thus I need to apologize to the Lady at Sonic who honked her horn at me very rudely, I am so sorry for the confrontation that you had with me as I tapped on your drivers window asking in a not-so-sweet manner "What DID I DO?!"  Also I need to apologize to the bank teller who was just following protocol, I am sorry that you had to hear exactly my thoughts on the matter.     Luckily I kept it together when I went to Doug's follow up doctor appointment this week.  Instead of telling him all my thoughts, I just decided to keep my mouth shut....completely shut.  (He probably thought I had super glued my lips together.)  I did not make a peep at all.  I probably wasn't too warm and cozy, but at least I didn't explode.  

I don't know when this will get better, but it will.  I did get to see a bit of sunshine today...I just hope for more in the future.  I pray that with whatever comes my way I can practice taking it all very gracefully. I just need to remember my maiden name is Bowers.  

 written by Camille

Monday, September 9, 2013

A Prayer Answered

No, this is not a post about some amazing miracle that has happened. It would be wonderful for many of us if it truly was, but this is a post about something very simple. (Which sometimes is the miracle)

Over the last couple of weeks I have realized that I don't laugh very much.  I watch my sweet husband giggle through out the day at several things, and I wonder sometimes why I don't find all of what he finds comical. Why am I so serious all of the time.  I have really been pondering this since my sweet new friend Patrice asked me this summer when the last time I really laughed was.  Now, I do find things funny at times, I am not a grump or a Scrooge, I just want to have a little more laughter.

Thank you to step-mom who reminded me that as I ponder and think about things that they too are a prayer to the righteous.  So I guess according to her I have been praying for more laughter.

Well, the giggle bug hit.  I have laughed at people that I noticed are too serious.  I have laughed at my little treat in the mail that my father sent me. I have laughed as my son complained about how I pray too long.  I have laughed at a text that my dear, good, wonderful friend Peggy sent me. I have laughed at myself playing pool.  I have laughed!  I am so thankful for a Heavenly Father who would bless me with the ability to laugh.

I remembered this quote from Sister Marjorie Pay Hinckley, “The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache.” 

Sometimes we all take life just too seriously.  Let's have a good laugh.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

What a Week

This last week we....
Enjoyed a relaxing Labor Day and let Doug rest to let his knee heal a bit more.
Watched Caleb play in his first football game, as his proud daddy announced.
Lost all of Drake's shoes, then thanks to Caleb found Drake's shoes.
Served lunch at the Institute for Friday Forum.
Let Doug stand in as a grandparent for Leah's school's Grandparent Day celebration.
Went to Leah's elementary school book fair.
Taught Leah to mow the lawn so that she could earn money to spend at the book fair.
Made a cute ruffly apron for my sister for her birthday.
Dropped Caleb off at a "Camp and Shoot" campout for the Boy Scouts.
Went cowboy/cowgirl boot shopping, then bought me some cowgirl boots.
Helped to clean the church.
Took Drake to a birthday party.
Picked up our first Bountiful Basket here in Oklahoma.
Watched the OU football game.
Started Fantasy Football.
Created more Art.

We did all of this along with the regular dishes, laundry, cooking, homework, grocery shopping, etc.
We are breaking into the wonderful life of living in Norman.  It is fun.  I mentioned to someone this week that it always surprises me how much there is to do.  I guess we are never done.

Today we went to a missionary farewell in a little place called Anadarko, OK.  We found that there is a family who had moved from our old Kuna ward a few years ago to Oklahoma.  Funny thing is that part of Doug's new assignment is over this area.  So we have been in contact a few times with this family in the 2 months that we have lived here.  We even invited them over for dinner and thoroughly enjoyed our time together.  When we lived in Kuna this family lived just at the end of our street, and I worked in  Young Women with Sister Bateman, and Doug was the Young Men's leader and seminary teacher for their two oldest boys.  Brother and Sister Bateman's youngest son is currently getting ready to serve a full time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Ohio.  He is going to be a great hard working missionary, and we were very honored to have been invited to come and visit.

I highly enjoyed the drive out to Anadarko.  It was about an hour drive from Norman.  I had been mentioning to Doug that I would love to see more of the surrounding areas so that I can visualize where some of the other places are that he visits.  As we drove to the Bateman's home for the open house I was awe struck at the beauty.  I love the red dirt.  I love the rolling little hills.  As we drove to the crest of one of the hills and I looked out I realized that it did look quite a bit like Melba.  I didn't feel homesick, I just loved it.  There is a beauty out there that not everyone appreciates, but I can tell you that I certainly do.

The Bateman's attend church in a smaller building with a smaller group of members of our church. This is often referred to as a branch rather than a ward.  The members of this branch were all so welcoming. I met some great people there that were very willing to visit with both Doug and I.  I noticed as our children came from their church classes that they had had a very pleasant experience as well. (Even Caleb our oldest who is usually very reserved I observed was visiting with a boy his age.)

As Doug and I drove home we both were very happy with our choice to go out to support that good, good family.  Hopefully our relationship can continue during our time here.

One of my most favorite things to do in our daily routine is to read to the kids a bedtime story.  I first start with the little kids, then move over to the older two.  Tonight I decided to snap a few pictures of this most delightful part of my day.

Aren't they just the best little treat to have at the end of they day?  Leah and Drake get a little Five Minute Story,and  Caleb and Brody I read to from The Hunger Games.  I love how ALL of them love to listen to a good story.  How it settles their spirits and lets them get ready to go to sleep.  I hope one day that this will be one of their memories of growing up.

Last but not least..... a little bit of a fun story.

So, I have been very impressed by the size of bugs that live here in Oklahoma.  I have to admit, I am not a fan.  As I looked around my yard the last week I mentioned to Doug that it sure would be nice to have a pair of artificial inseminating gloves that my dad uses so that I can work in the yard with out the fear of getting those giant creepers on me.  Well, Doug called my dad and look what came in the mail.

I must truly be loved.  Apparently there was even an offer of sending the gloves with a little "fertilizer" already on them. (the gloves came fertilizer free)  This little package made my day.  Thank you DAD!  I am sure that it is an uncommon request.  You sure know how to make a daughter smile.

written by Camille Sturges

Monday, September 2, 2013

Adventurous Pictures

Here are some pictures of some of the things that we have done since coming to Oklahoma.  Every week it seems that we have more added to our list of places to go and things to do.  I love it!

Leah loving the brass tortoise in the Oklahoma City Zoo 

Brody, Leah, and Drake enjoying the Splash Pad!

Having a great day at the Natural History Museum near  our house.

Brick Town Water Tour

Matinee Movie in Brick Town, OKC.

Seven Stitches for Brody.
Split open for a good game of tag.

The Oklahoma City Temple

My Anniversary Golfing Date.
We made it 14 years!

Mow the Lawn on Wednesday

Thursday the trash guy comes to collect all organic items that come from your yard, so Wednesday I decided would be a good day to mow.  I found some special things as I mowed.  I hope you enjoy!

Bigger bugs than Idaho!

I didn't get a picture of everything that I saw.  But maybe I will leave some surprises for later.

Labor Day Weekend

Always a good time around here.  We just plain enjoy hanging out together and not doing too much of anything.  This Labor Day weekend we are hanging out watching Doug as he recovers from his knee surgery he had on Friday.  He had a torn meniscus and we has been SO excited to get it fixed.  We knew that this was on the horizon before we even moved to Oklahoma.

Friday was not too eventful.  I had Doug home with his knee propped up by 10 a.m. Because he was still under the effects of anesthetics he slept quite a bit.  Drake and I worked on a little bit of preschool homework and then it was time to go grab Leah from school.  Friday Brody received his tuba from school and needed to bring it home, so instead of riding the bus I needed to go grab him from school.  (It was kind of funny watching that 11 year old boy try to carry such a large instrument.) Caleb has football practice until 6, so at that point I went and snagged him.  I did feel like I was running around all day to grab people.

Friday night Caleb was telling me that he had made a couple of friends at school and they had been planning to possibly sell lemonade near OU just before the football game on Saturday.  He had been asked to bring the lemonade and cups, so he needed to go to the store.  (I don't know how many of you know me well enough to know that I despise shopping.)  Because Caleb has struggled the most with the move here and it takes a while for him to make friends I decided that this was worthwhile for him to do.  He and I began driving in the car.........then on our way I was pulled over by a police car and told that I had been speeding.  You would be impressed with the patience displayed on my part.  I have enough Bowers still in me to want to rip into this guy, but I just kept my mouth shut.  I was handed my pink piece of paper and then was able to go on my way.   To say the least my mood wasn't super delightful and sweet for the evening.

Saturday. Caleb was ready to get his lemonade stand set up.  We went and met his buddies and set up the stand in front of the Institute building where Doug works.  A great spot.  I did learn that 12 year old boys don't plan things too well.  I was blessed to run more errands for the little fellas.   They worked from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  It was a great idea to sell lemonade on Saturday because it was one of the hottest days that we have had here since we moved.  Caleb came home with a sun burned face.  The temperature in the car read 104.  I was very happy that we were in an air conditioned home all day and not going to the game.   (I have to apologize because I do have some inadequacies and one of them includes that I forget to take pictures.  I do wish I had a picture of Caleb and his buddies selling Lemonade.)

Saturday evening we were invited to come to Elder and Sister Homan's home to watch the game.  We brought our potato salad and enjoyed the company of institute students.  Elder and Sister Homan are the missionary couple serving in the institute.  They are amazing.  Very generous, and very cheerful.  It was very kind of them to open up their home to all of us.  Leah and Drake loved it there because Sister Homan had a chest full of toys.  Brody and Caleb enjoyed the food and the game.  Brother Homan was very kind to allow Doug to sit in his beautiful leather recliner.  It was very nice to be invited out.

Sunday, September 1.  My Birthday.  It was the first birthday we have had to celebrate since we moved.  A few weeks ago I decided to sign up to feed the missionaries on my birthday.  It was great.  Our ward has four elders serving in it.  Since the prophet announced the change of age for missionary service last October the missionaries in the mission field has doubled.  Thus we all have double the missionaries every where.  It was so fun to have them.  I made enough birthday cake in the end to feed many more missionaries, which was a good thing because the sister missionaries who serve in the single adult ward in the institute came by to wish me a happy birthday and I was able to share some cake with them.  While the sisters were here our new friends Rob and Merrill stopped by to visit Doug because they knew he was down with his knee.   I was very happy to serve them some cake.

The Giant Birthday Cupcake.

Tonight, Monday, we have been invited to spend the evening with a family in our ward.  It seems to me that Norman is a warm welcoming place to live.  I am enjoying the many opportunities we have had to serve thus far and also to get to know people here.  Our lives here are getting started and it is going to be great.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Check, Check, Check

Yesterday was a great day.  We accomplished/checked off some of the items we had on our "want to experience" list.

Caleb had a football scrimmage at 7:00 in the morning.  This was awesome because he had the opportunity to play for about an hour and a half during which he played 3 different teams. We were able to see what the competition was like for him, and we were also able to see some areas that he could improve.  I think he enjoyed it.

We stopped by the donut shop  on our way home so that the kids could have a fun breakfast.  Then Doug and I went to check out the local Farmer's Market.  That was great.  I know now where to go and also that I should go with cash on hand.  I can't wait to go again.  The tomatoes and watermelon looked delicious.  I learned while I was there at the Farmer's Market that people grow and sell okra here.  What exactly is okra?  What do you do with okra?  I suppose I will learn eventually.

After Doug and I came home we got some chores done, then we went on another adventure after lunch.  The institute was having an opening social at Arcadia Lake and we were invited.  It was about a 30 minute drive for us and we had enough room to squeeze in a few students.  That was a blast.  Arcadia Lake is a beautiful place located off of Route 66.  Our kids loved swimming in the lake and playing on the beach.  Caleb and Brody dug and dug in the sand creating a water way with bridges and pools and all sorts of avenues.  It was fun to see their creative side come out.  Drake and Leah played in the sand too, but they liked to swim a bit more.  Drake LOVED floating on his tummy with his face in the water.  He was so much fun to watch.  It looked like he was challenging himself to see how long he could hold his breath.  They all had such a great time swimming and playing that it was like pulling teeth to have them go eat.  We have already had requests to go back again one day.

After leaving Arcadia Lake we drove up Route 66 a little further and found the famous Pop's.  This is a place where you can buy all sorts of different flavored sodas/pops.  The walls are lined with it all the way to the ceiling.  You can also dine there, or buy's really a very glorified gas station, but very cool.

We then drove down the road a bit further to see the round red barn.  Doug got out and took a few photos, but we were all so tired that we decided to stay in the car.  Maybe when we go back we will go there first so that we will give it the proper attention it deserves.

It was a big day!  We saw many things and accomplished more than we expected.  I love the weekend when I can hang out with our cool family and do fun adventures.

Written by Camille Sturges

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The First Day of School

Well, we got through it!  We did it and it seemed long and a bit exhausting, but we did it.  Our family survived the first day of school here in Norman.
Monday night was the open house to the elementary school that Leah will be attending. Leah was very nervous about attending a new school.  She has only known Melba.  That little girl was born there, so this has to be super overwhelming for her.  Like I had noted in the last post, Leah has been having an upset stomach, and I tend to believe that it is because she is emotionally upset.  My step-mom once told me a story about a student she once had that would get a stomach ache and she finally realized that it was brought on emotionally.  I think Leah has been making herself sick, but going to the open house helped a lot!  Leah has a very sweet teacher.  We enjoyed touring the classroom and noticing all the little details.  She found that she will be sitting in groups like she did in kindergarten, and the room was so bright and clean and colorful.  We found some of the books in the room that Leah enjoys reading.  It truly was a fantastic experience.  So fantastic in fact, I decided to volunteer to help Leah's teacher a bit through out the school year.  That was the best part for Leah.  By that simple action, Leah knew that I had her back and that I was in this adventure with her.

Tuesday Brody had the opportunity to go to a half day of school with all of the other sixth graders, since they were all new to the middle school.  It was great.  Brody received his schedule then and got a great tour around campus.  He was able to find his locker and practice opening it and then he was able to go to each of his classes and meet his teachers for about 10 minutes each.  I think that eased his mind sooooo much!   Brody was elated to find that the buddy he had made at church (Isak) was going to be in a few of his classes.

Tuesday night was the middle school open house.  The time had been bumped up earlier than we had seen on the school website, so we were a bit late, and Caleb was about to freak out on us.  He certainly did not like that he had no schedule and that he did not know the campus or where all of his classes were.  Luckily his mom and dad love him so much that we were able to assist him in those areas.  We walked all around the school taking him from room to room so that he would recognize where he was when he walked into the right or wrong room.  Caleb has some great teachers.  Caleb though has a tendency to be a bit reserved, so it will be interesting to see how his teachers perceive him throughout the year.  He was happy to see that his football coach will also be his PE teacher.

SO today was the first official day.  Each of them made it to school on time.  Each of them didn't have any huge or horrible times.  All in all I would say that the day was a success.  They all seemed pretty happy with how their day ended.  Leah loved her class and teacher.  She is not the only move-in in her class.  In fact, almost half of her class is new to this elementary, so she is among friends.  She also told me about  a friend that she made named Violet, who has red hair, and is "very sweet".  Brody rode the bus home.  His mother was a nervous fit when he walked in over an hour after school got out.  (I have always enjoyed taking my kids to and from school myself, giving this up is a big sacrifice for me.)  Brody said that it was fine.  He is very excited to take band and to learn how to play the tuba.  Caleb told us that the best part of his day was going to football practice.  He was amazed at the lunch selection, and was appalled at the language of fellow classmates.  His favorite teacher so far is his homeroom teacher, who is also the Art teacher.  Doug told him he must have good taste.

Because I knew that today was going to be trying to all of these cute kiddos, I chose to try to have a comfort food for dinner tonight.  The never fail pigs in a blanket along with a side of roasted veggies.  We then invited the Fisher family over to eat brownies and ice cream with us.  It was fantastic.
I think the best part was ending the day with a little Duck Dynasty.  I love that our family has a haven here in our home.  This is a place where we all want to be, where we know that we can relax and unload.  Heaven on Earth.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Are we Sick?

It has recently occurred to me that our family is being tested.  Why would I say this you ask?  Well let me tell you.  In the last week there have been several aliments that have hit this house.  Leah came down with a sore throat and a bit of a fever for two days one week ago.  I was worried she may have strep throat, but the symptoms went away (She gave them to me).  A day or so later that little girl was also complaining about a tummy ache which seemed to last over 18 hours.  Caleb on Saturday developed severe ear pain after going swimming.  I was sure we just needed to have him sleep on it with a hot pad, but by the time Sunday afternoon hit I took him to the Urgent Care (yes, this is the same Urgent Care that Brody got his stitches on his brow).  I rarely see that kid cry and tears were flowing.  It turned out that he had a really bad case of swimmers ear that was developing into an inner ear and middle ear infection.  He is currently on the mend.  Last night was Leah's back to school open house.  Doug and I went to meet her new teacher and to find the classroom.  It was great.  Interesting though that as soon as we walked in the door back at our home Leah began to complain of a tummy ache.  She didn't want to participate in Family Home Evening (not normal behavior for Leah since she LOVES Family Home Evening more than anyone I have ever met).  I helped her to get her pajamas on and during that process she ran to the bathroom to lose her dinner. This makes me a bit nervous because school starts tomorrow.  I don't want any physical uncomfortableness for my children as they head out the door to begin something so huge.  I know that there will be plenty of reasons for them to be uncomfortable emotionally, and I worry about them so much right now.  This just gives me more reason to worry about them.
I just feel like I am being tested.  Am I going to complain?  Am I going to lose my patience?  I certainly hope not!  I want to be the example that my children will follow.
Please wish me luck and maybe some prayers that I may keep it all together.  We have  a couple more doctor appointments more to go this week. Doug has decided to finally get his checked out.  He has been gimping on that thing for months.  I am sure that a surgery is in his near future.  I need to find myself a chiropractor, my sciatic nerve is about to drive me crazy.  We can do it.  I know we can.  I am just being tested...
While you are praying, would you please submit another prayer for our little family?  Please ask for our home in Melba to sell.  It would be so great to be rid of that enormous burden.  Thanks, your great.

written by Camille Sturges

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Our First Adventures

We made it! We moved in just over one month ago.  It has been a grand month at that.  We have found many things to do to keep us entertained in Norman, and we have certainly enjoyed some down time to enjoy the rest of summer break.
Yesterday we decided to make a list of the adventures that we have gone on since we have moved here.    I wrote each adventure on a piece of paper and I let the kids rank them.  Each adventure has between 1 to 5 stars.  

Hanging out with the Fishers  ****
Move into our new house ***
Church ****
Nashville Tribute Band Concert ***
Feed the Ducks *****
Library Park ****
Feed the Missionaries*****
Play Games at the Institute ****
OU Stadium****
Braum's Ice Cream *****
Library ****
Sam Noble Natural History Museum ***1/2
Westwood Park Pool ****
Splash Pads ****
OKC Zoo ****
Frontier City *****

Now here is the list of adventures that we want to do in the future:

Cleveland County Fair
Oklahoma City National Memorial
Football Game
Fred Jones Jr. Art Museum
Lake Thunderbird
Mustang Festival
Tour Braum's Farm
Round Barn and Pop's Route 66
Route 66 Vintage Iron Motorcycle Museum
Cavanal Hill (hike the highest hill)
Andy Alligator's Fun House
National Weather Service
OKC Science Center
Farmers Market
Daily Donuts

Our family is very interested in finding all the cool (and free) things to do while we are here.  We do plan to have visitors, so when they come we can show them all that we have learned that we love.  So, if you know somewhere we need to go, please tell us.

The list of adventures that we have accomplished doesn't have some of the day to day things that we have done.
Last week we registered Leah, Brody, and Caleb for school.  We went school clothes shopping and also school supply shopping.  Caleb and Doug went to a football meeting and they were able to sign Caleb up to play football (he goes to practice and in SUPER sore when we pick him up).  
Last week we were also able to host our first visitor, my gorgeous sister Amy Davis.  It was wonderful to have her here.  That lady knows how to get things done!  While Amy was here we planted flowers in some pots on my front porch, put shelves in the laundry room, wired a star lamp to hang above my dining room table, fixed the bathroom sink, bought a steal of a deal at the thrift store for a table that we needed for the wii, made lots of art, went to the Natural History Museum, unpacked a few boxes, bought souvenirs for her family, went grocery shopping, made art, hung pictures on the walls, painted frames to go with certain arrangements, and went to get massages and facials.  It was a very productive trip!  She flew out on a Sunday after we had gone to church.  As I dropped her off at the airport she was so funny as to say, "I am sorry we didn't get much done.  I feel like we just played the whole time."  I do have to say she flew in on Thursday afternoon, and flew out at 1:00 on Sunday, that really wasn't very long.  I don't know what else we could have done!  It was fantastic!   

We look forward to having many more visitors.  I am happy to know that I can plan on my step-mom to come in October, and then in November we will get to have Doug's fabulous sister Megan for Thanksgiving.  

-written by Camille Sturges