Sunday, August 18, 2013

Our First Adventures

We made it! We moved in just over one month ago.  It has been a grand month at that.  We have found many things to do to keep us entertained in Norman, and we have certainly enjoyed some down time to enjoy the rest of summer break.
Yesterday we decided to make a list of the adventures that we have gone on since we have moved here.    I wrote each adventure on a piece of paper and I let the kids rank them.  Each adventure has between 1 to 5 stars.  

Hanging out with the Fishers  ****
Move into our new house ***
Church ****
Nashville Tribute Band Concert ***
Feed the Ducks *****
Library Park ****
Feed the Missionaries*****
Play Games at the Institute ****
OU Stadium****
Braum's Ice Cream *****
Library ****
Sam Noble Natural History Museum ***1/2
Westwood Park Pool ****
Splash Pads ****
OKC Zoo ****
Frontier City *****

Now here is the list of adventures that we want to do in the future:

Cleveland County Fair
Oklahoma City National Memorial
Football Game
Fred Jones Jr. Art Museum
Lake Thunderbird
Mustang Festival
Tour Braum's Farm
Round Barn and Pop's Route 66
Route 66 Vintage Iron Motorcycle Museum
Cavanal Hill (hike the highest hill)
Andy Alligator's Fun House
National Weather Service
OKC Science Center
Farmers Market
Daily Donuts

Our family is very interested in finding all the cool (and free) things to do while we are here.  We do plan to have visitors, so when they come we can show them all that we have learned that we love.  So, if you know somewhere we need to go, please tell us.

The list of adventures that we have accomplished doesn't have some of the day to day things that we have done.
Last week we registered Leah, Brody, and Caleb for school.  We went school clothes shopping and also school supply shopping.  Caleb and Doug went to a football meeting and they were able to sign Caleb up to play football (he goes to practice and in SUPER sore when we pick him up).  
Last week we were also able to host our first visitor, my gorgeous sister Amy Davis.  It was wonderful to have her here.  That lady knows how to get things done!  While Amy was here we planted flowers in some pots on my front porch, put shelves in the laundry room, wired a star lamp to hang above my dining room table, fixed the bathroom sink, bought a steal of a deal at the thrift store for a table that we needed for the wii, made lots of art, went to the Natural History Museum, unpacked a few boxes, bought souvenirs for her family, went grocery shopping, made art, hung pictures on the walls, painted frames to go with certain arrangements, and went to get massages and facials.  It was a very productive trip!  She flew out on a Sunday after we had gone to church.  As I dropped her off at the airport she was so funny as to say, "I am sorry we didn't get much done.  I feel like we just played the whole time."  I do have to say she flew in on Thursday afternoon, and flew out at 1:00 on Sunday, that really wasn't very long.  I don't know what else we could have done!  It was fantastic!   

We look forward to having many more visitors.  I am happy to know that I can plan on my step-mom to come in October, and then in November we will get to have Doug's fabulous sister Megan for Thanksgiving.  

-written by Camille Sturges

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