Sunday, August 25, 2013

Check, Check, Check

Yesterday was a great day.  We accomplished/checked off some of the items we had on our "want to experience" list.

Caleb had a football scrimmage at 7:00 in the morning.  This was awesome because he had the opportunity to play for about an hour and a half during which he played 3 different teams. We were able to see what the competition was like for him, and we were also able to see some areas that he could improve.  I think he enjoyed it.

We stopped by the donut shop  on our way home so that the kids could have a fun breakfast.  Then Doug and I went to check out the local Farmer's Market.  That was great.  I know now where to go and also that I should go with cash on hand.  I can't wait to go again.  The tomatoes and watermelon looked delicious.  I learned while I was there at the Farmer's Market that people grow and sell okra here.  What exactly is okra?  What do you do with okra?  I suppose I will learn eventually.

After Doug and I came home we got some chores done, then we went on another adventure after lunch.  The institute was having an opening social at Arcadia Lake and we were invited.  It was about a 30 minute drive for us and we had enough room to squeeze in a few students.  That was a blast.  Arcadia Lake is a beautiful place located off of Route 66.  Our kids loved swimming in the lake and playing on the beach.  Caleb and Brody dug and dug in the sand creating a water way with bridges and pools and all sorts of avenues.  It was fun to see their creative side come out.  Drake and Leah played in the sand too, but they liked to swim a bit more.  Drake LOVED floating on his tummy with his face in the water.  He was so much fun to watch.  It looked like he was challenging himself to see how long he could hold his breath.  They all had such a great time swimming and playing that it was like pulling teeth to have them go eat.  We have already had requests to go back again one day.

After leaving Arcadia Lake we drove up Route 66 a little further and found the famous Pop's.  This is a place where you can buy all sorts of different flavored sodas/pops.  The walls are lined with it all the way to the ceiling.  You can also dine there, or buy's really a very glorified gas station, but very cool.

We then drove down the road a bit further to see the round red barn.  Doug got out and took a few photos, but we were all so tired that we decided to stay in the car.  Maybe when we go back we will go there first so that we will give it the proper attention it deserves.

It was a big day!  We saw many things and accomplished more than we expected.  I love the weekend when I can hang out with our cool family and do fun adventures.

Written by Camille Sturges

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you are writing this blog! We will need to turn it into a book one day on how to be the best family ever! I know you are not all perfect, but that is the joy in it, you strive for it and it shows. I love you guys. Yes, of course, Sam has made us all try Okra. NOT my favorite. He will have to send you some tips.
