Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Always a good time around here.  We just plain enjoy hanging out together and not doing too much of anything.  This Labor Day weekend we are hanging out watching Doug as he recovers from his knee surgery he had on Friday.  He had a torn meniscus and we has been SO excited to get it fixed.  We knew that this was on the horizon before we even moved to Oklahoma.

Friday was not too eventful.  I had Doug home with his knee propped up by 10 a.m. Because he was still under the effects of anesthetics he slept quite a bit.  Drake and I worked on a little bit of preschool homework and then it was time to go grab Leah from school.  Friday Brody received his tuba from school and needed to bring it home, so instead of riding the bus I needed to go grab him from school.  (It was kind of funny watching that 11 year old boy try to carry such a large instrument.) Caleb has football practice until 6, so at that point I went and snagged him.  I did feel like I was running around all day to grab people.

Friday night Caleb was telling me that he had made a couple of friends at school and they had been planning to possibly sell lemonade near OU just before the football game on Saturday.  He had been asked to bring the lemonade and cups, so he needed to go to the store.  (I don't know how many of you know me well enough to know that I despise shopping.)  Because Caleb has struggled the most with the move here and it takes a while for him to make friends I decided that this was worthwhile for him to do.  He and I began driving in the car.........then on our way I was pulled over by a police car and told that I had been speeding.  You would be impressed with the patience displayed on my part.  I have enough Bowers still in me to want to rip into this guy, but I just kept my mouth shut.  I was handed my pink piece of paper and then was able to go on my way.   To say the least my mood wasn't super delightful and sweet for the evening.

Saturday. Caleb was ready to get his lemonade stand set up.  We went and met his buddies and set up the stand in front of the Institute building where Doug works.  A great spot.  I did learn that 12 year old boys don't plan things too well.  I was blessed to run more errands for the little fellas.   They worked from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  It was a great idea to sell lemonade on Saturday because it was one of the hottest days that we have had here since we moved.  Caleb came home with a sun burned face.  The temperature in the car read 104.  I was very happy that we were in an air conditioned home all day and not going to the game.   (I have to apologize because I do have some inadequacies and one of them includes that I forget to take pictures.  I do wish I had a picture of Caleb and his buddies selling Lemonade.)

Saturday evening we were invited to come to Elder and Sister Homan's home to watch the game.  We brought our potato salad and enjoyed the company of institute students.  Elder and Sister Homan are the missionary couple serving in the institute.  They are amazing.  Very generous, and very cheerful.  It was very kind of them to open up their home to all of us.  Leah and Drake loved it there because Sister Homan had a chest full of toys.  Brody and Caleb enjoyed the food and the game.  Brother Homan was very kind to allow Doug to sit in his beautiful leather recliner.  It was very nice to be invited out.

Sunday, September 1.  My Birthday.  It was the first birthday we have had to celebrate since we moved.  A few weeks ago I decided to sign up to feed the missionaries on my birthday.  It was great.  Our ward has four elders serving in it.  Since the prophet announced the change of age for missionary service last October the missionaries in the mission field has doubled.  Thus we all have double the missionaries every where.  It was so fun to have them.  I made enough birthday cake in the end to feed many more missionaries, which was a good thing because the sister missionaries who serve in the single adult ward in the institute came by to wish me a happy birthday and I was able to share some cake with them.  While the sisters were here our new friends Rob and Merrill stopped by to visit Doug because they knew he was down with his knee.   I was very happy to serve them some cake.

The Giant Birthday Cupcake.

Tonight, Monday, we have been invited to spend the evening with a family in our ward.  It seems to me that Norman is a warm welcoming place to live.  I am enjoying the many opportunities we have had to serve thus far and also to get to know people here.  Our lives here are getting started and it is going to be great.

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