Monday, September 9, 2013

A Prayer Answered

No, this is not a post about some amazing miracle that has happened. It would be wonderful for many of us if it truly was, but this is a post about something very simple. (Which sometimes is the miracle)

Over the last couple of weeks I have realized that I don't laugh very much.  I watch my sweet husband giggle through out the day at several things, and I wonder sometimes why I don't find all of what he finds comical. Why am I so serious all of the time.  I have really been pondering this since my sweet new friend Patrice asked me this summer when the last time I really laughed was.  Now, I do find things funny at times, I am not a grump or a Scrooge, I just want to have a little more laughter.

Thank you to step-mom who reminded me that as I ponder and think about things that they too are a prayer to the righteous.  So I guess according to her I have been praying for more laughter.

Well, the giggle bug hit.  I have laughed at people that I noticed are too serious.  I have laughed at my little treat in the mail that my father sent me. I have laughed as my son complained about how I pray too long.  I have laughed at a text that my dear, good, wonderful friend Peggy sent me. I have laughed at myself playing pool.  I have laughed!  I am so thankful for a Heavenly Father who would bless me with the ability to laugh.

I remembered this quote from Sister Marjorie Pay Hinckley, “The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache.” 

Sometimes we all take life just too seriously.  Let's have a good laugh.

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