Sunday, September 8, 2013

What a Week

This last week we....
Enjoyed a relaxing Labor Day and let Doug rest to let his knee heal a bit more.
Watched Caleb play in his first football game, as his proud daddy announced.
Lost all of Drake's shoes, then thanks to Caleb found Drake's shoes.
Served lunch at the Institute for Friday Forum.
Let Doug stand in as a grandparent for Leah's school's Grandparent Day celebration.
Went to Leah's elementary school book fair.
Taught Leah to mow the lawn so that she could earn money to spend at the book fair.
Made a cute ruffly apron for my sister for her birthday.
Dropped Caleb off at a "Camp and Shoot" campout for the Boy Scouts.
Went cowboy/cowgirl boot shopping, then bought me some cowgirl boots.
Helped to clean the church.
Took Drake to a birthday party.
Picked up our first Bountiful Basket here in Oklahoma.
Watched the OU football game.
Started Fantasy Football.
Created more Art.

We did all of this along with the regular dishes, laundry, cooking, homework, grocery shopping, etc.
We are breaking into the wonderful life of living in Norman.  It is fun.  I mentioned to someone this week that it always surprises me how much there is to do.  I guess we are never done.

Today we went to a missionary farewell in a little place called Anadarko, OK.  We found that there is a family who had moved from our old Kuna ward a few years ago to Oklahoma.  Funny thing is that part of Doug's new assignment is over this area.  So we have been in contact a few times with this family in the 2 months that we have lived here.  We even invited them over for dinner and thoroughly enjoyed our time together.  When we lived in Kuna this family lived just at the end of our street, and I worked in  Young Women with Sister Bateman, and Doug was the Young Men's leader and seminary teacher for their two oldest boys.  Brother and Sister Bateman's youngest son is currently getting ready to serve a full time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Ohio.  He is going to be a great hard working missionary, and we were very honored to have been invited to come and visit.

I highly enjoyed the drive out to Anadarko.  It was about an hour drive from Norman.  I had been mentioning to Doug that I would love to see more of the surrounding areas so that I can visualize where some of the other places are that he visits.  As we drove to the Bateman's home for the open house I was awe struck at the beauty.  I love the red dirt.  I love the rolling little hills.  As we drove to the crest of one of the hills and I looked out I realized that it did look quite a bit like Melba.  I didn't feel homesick, I just loved it.  There is a beauty out there that not everyone appreciates, but I can tell you that I certainly do.

The Bateman's attend church in a smaller building with a smaller group of members of our church. This is often referred to as a branch rather than a ward.  The members of this branch were all so welcoming. I met some great people there that were very willing to visit with both Doug and I.  I noticed as our children came from their church classes that they had had a very pleasant experience as well. (Even Caleb our oldest who is usually very reserved I observed was visiting with a boy his age.)

As Doug and I drove home we both were very happy with our choice to go out to support that good, good family.  Hopefully our relationship can continue during our time here.

One of my most favorite things to do in our daily routine is to read to the kids a bedtime story.  I first start with the little kids, then move over to the older two.  Tonight I decided to snap a few pictures of this most delightful part of my day.

Aren't they just the best little treat to have at the end of they day?  Leah and Drake get a little Five Minute Story,and  Caleb and Brody I read to from The Hunger Games.  I love how ALL of them love to listen to a good story.  How it settles their spirits and lets them get ready to go to sleep.  I hope one day that this will be one of their memories of growing up.

Last but not least..... a little bit of a fun story.

So, I have been very impressed by the size of bugs that live here in Oklahoma.  I have to admit, I am not a fan.  As I looked around my yard the last week I mentioned to Doug that it sure would be nice to have a pair of artificial inseminating gloves that my dad uses so that I can work in the yard with out the fear of getting those giant creepers on me.  Well, Doug called my dad and look what came in the mail.

I must truly be loved.  Apparently there was even an offer of sending the gloves with a little "fertilizer" already on them. (the gloves came fertilizer free)  This little package made my day.  Thank you DAD!  I am sure that it is an uncommon request.  You sure know how to make a daughter smile.

written by Camille Sturges

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