Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Are we Sick?

It has recently occurred to me that our family is being tested.  Why would I say this you ask?  Well let me tell you.  In the last week there have been several aliments that have hit this house.  Leah came down with a sore throat and a bit of a fever for two days one week ago.  I was worried she may have strep throat, but the symptoms went away (She gave them to me).  A day or so later that little girl was also complaining about a tummy ache which seemed to last over 18 hours.  Caleb on Saturday developed severe ear pain after going swimming.  I was sure we just needed to have him sleep on it with a hot pad, but by the time Sunday afternoon hit I took him to the Urgent Care (yes, this is the same Urgent Care that Brody got his stitches on his brow).  I rarely see that kid cry and tears were flowing.  It turned out that he had a really bad case of swimmers ear that was developing into an inner ear and middle ear infection.  He is currently on the mend.  Last night was Leah's back to school open house.  Doug and I went to meet her new teacher and to find the classroom.  It was great.  Interesting though that as soon as we walked in the door back at our home Leah began to complain of a tummy ache.  She didn't want to participate in Family Home Evening (not normal behavior for Leah since she LOVES Family Home Evening more than anyone I have ever met).  I helped her to get her pajamas on and during that process she ran to the bathroom to lose her dinner. This makes me a bit nervous because school starts tomorrow.  I don't want any physical uncomfortableness for my children as they head out the door to begin something so huge.  I know that there will be plenty of reasons for them to be uncomfortable emotionally, and I worry about them so much right now.  This just gives me more reason to worry about them.
I just feel like I am being tested.  Am I going to complain?  Am I going to lose my patience?  I certainly hope not!  I want to be the example that my children will follow.
Please wish me luck and maybe some prayers that I may keep it all together.  We have  a couple more doctor appointments more to go this week. Doug has decided to finally get his checked out.  He has been gimping on that thing for months.  I am sure that a surgery is in his near future.  I need to find myself a chiropractor, my sciatic nerve is about to drive me crazy.  We can do it.  I know we can.  I am just being tested...
While you are praying, would you please submit another prayer for our little family?  Please ask for our home in Melba to sell.  It would be so great to be rid of that enormous burden.  Thanks, your great.

written by Camille Sturges

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