Monday, November 18, 2013

The Happenings

Recently our oldest child, Caleb, finished his football season as a seventh grader.  He was pretty successful too because he played every minute in every game during the season.  I love that kid and the hard work ethic that he has.  He is an amazing example to me in so many ways.
Caleb now had the opportunity to make the 7th grade basketball team.  So far he has just been participating in practices, but his first game is tomorrow night, we will see how that goes.  He loves sports and loves to be busy.  Every minute spare time he has he asks to go play basketball so that he can improve as much as possible.  

Brody is currently playing the tuba in the 6th grade band.  I love listening to him play.  He is really pretty good at it and has a natural knack for it.  His band teacher Mr. C complimented him in front of the entire band the other day announcing to one and all "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a tuba player!"  Brody beamed with confidence about this.  He is thrilled to be finding his way in this new town.  He has a friend who is also in the band that he met this summer, but if you know Brody at all he has many more friends now.  That kid is one of the friendliest I have ever known.  I love his genuine heart.  

Leah exudes confidence in her academics.  She recently found out from her report card that she is excelling in each subject.  She loves her teacher.  We have decided that her teacher reminds us of Miss Honey from the book Matilda.  Leah not only believes that she is smart, but she now knows she is smart.  I have heard her claim that a few times in the last week and it sure makes my heart swell.  Leah is a girl after my own heart, she loves all things that involve the arts.  She is constantly drawing and creating.  She has expressed her desire to begin a dance class so that one day she can be a great dancer. We have enjoyed many things together as mother and daughter.  I could not be more blessed.

Drake.  Oh Drake.  That kid has me wrapped around his little finger.  Drake loves to snuggle and he enjoys playing trains, cars, and legos.  He is the life of the party whenever we go to the Institute to visit Doug at work.  Elder and Sister Homan the missionary couple who serve in the Institute also love Drake to bits.  Drake is learning to play the harmonica so that he and Elder Homan can play as a duet one day.  Drake is clever, and he knows that he is loved beyond his capacity to understand.  Drake is one smart boy and he will never cease to amaze me with words that come out of his mouth.  

Doug is learning more and more about his new job each week.  I am sure that he is overwhelmed often, and I try to ease his burdens as best as I can.  This is a huge learning curve and he has quite a bit more responsibility than he had in Idaho.   

I help at the Institute once a week by making lunch for "Friday Forum".  This is when students come to listen to a speaker and then eat a yummy lunch afterwards.  I work with another woman to do this and I am so thankful to have a purpose.  It also allows me the opportunity to meet the people Doug works with on a regular basis.  I love being able to put a face to a name. 

Doug's younger sister, Megan, recently moved here to Oklahoma and is currently residing with us.  It has been so great to have her here.  Leah mentioned how excited she was to get a sister.  Megan amazes me with how well she is getting along.  She found herself a job already and has found opportunities to work a little on the side helping an elderly couple.  She is also already in the social scene of the singles ward, she goes to all the functions she can and participates in Institute.  She is also a great support to Doug. 

1 comment:

  1. I love all of you! I didn't know Brody play the tuba (which is awesome!) or that Drake was working on sweet harmonica skills! Good luck in your adventures!
