Sunday, November 17, 2013

Not Easy

Would you say you have an easy life?


What?  You must, you look like you have it all together!

Something that I have realized lately is that not one person on this earth has it easy.  Life is NOT easy.  It wasn't meant to be.

I recently was reading the life story of my step-mom's grandmother.  I found her life so interesting.  She was born in Germany and joined the church there. She was growing up during much of the Hitler years.  Later one of the missionaries came back and married her and he then brought her back to the states.  Their life was tough!  They had a farm and also eight children.  She was married to her sweetheart for just over 20 years when he had an accident and died, leaving her alone to raise the rest of the children left at home.  She worked on the farm with her children to keep the family united and fed.
She lived as a widow for 48 more years before she was able to join her sweetheart.  Of course there are many, many, more details to this sweet woman's life, but what I realized is her life was not easy.  Though when I met this Grandma, she was so gentle and kind, I would never have imagined that she had gone through such trials.

As we prepared to move here to Oklahoma, we knew were supposed to come here.  We had that personal revelation revealed to us through the Holy Ghost.   It was amazing.  I lean on that feeling a lot.  Why?  I have to lean on that feeling a lot to remind myself that this is what the Lord wanted us to do.
Life is hard.  We have had hard times.  Not everything goes our way.  I certainly have imagined much of our experience here to go much differently.

Life certainly isn't easy, but if it were easy would it be memorable or as wonderful?  Would I be able to realize the beauty of a great day if I had not had the crummy days before?  I figure that I am still being blessed, that I am being built to be the exact person Heavenly Father wants me to be.  Through each experience I learn and I grow.  If I become bitter, I believe that my growing will lessen.  I want to be what Heavenly Father has envisioned me to become.  I don't know what the future will hold, and frankly I truly don't want to know.  I can only handle one day at a time, trying my best.  My best is not anyone else's best, but it is MY best.  If I keep putting in my best, eventually I will become better than I am today.

Knowing that others have had trials comforts me. I love knowing that we are all in this together; that generations before us have had to problem solve their lives day by day and generations after us will have to do the same.  It is in this that it really doesn't matter our age or our differences, because we all have one similar truth....Life is not Easy.

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