Monday, November 25, 2013

The Weather

You know, we heard that we were going to love the fall and winter here in Oklahoma.  I have been loving this fall.  There are still so many trees with the beautiful colors of autumn on them.
These trees really love the leaves, they just won't let go of them.

Last week we had gorgeous weather.  There were days that were nearly 70 degrees.  I have enjoyed walking just over the mile to Leah's school in the afternoon to pick her up and the weather could not have been more picture perfect.  Walking home with the cutest kids in the world is also a wonderful thing.  I love when they share what is on their minds and also find wonderful discoveries in nature.  There have been many times when we have brought home a stick, acorn, or leaf collection.

The following picture is the street that we walk home on.  This was from a few weeks ago.  The first time I drove down this street with all of the trees I fell in love.

Well, guess what?  The weather changed.   Last Thursday morning I woke up and turned on the news to see what we were going to be expecting as far as the weather goes.  I was very surprised!  
I honestly don't remember the last time I saw a 100% chance of precipitation.  

Not only was I surprised by the 100% chance of precipitation, but I was also surprised by the sudden drop from 68 high on Thursday to 32 high on Friday, and I have never seen or been through an ICE storm before.  Then, on Sunday it showed a 70% chance of snow.  It rarely snows in Oklahoma, so it is a dramatic event when it happens.  Everyone makes a pretty big deal about it and hardly anyone is on the roads.  It's kind of nice....  

Now knowing that the weather was definitely changing from the wonderland that I had been enjoying I decided to go and talk to the Support Specialist (secretary) in at the Institute to ask about what I need to expect. She was super helpful.  After she showed me some pictures of what to expect I learned that I was thankful we had a fire place just in case the power went out. (which it did not.)

This weekend was fantastic.  We stayed home and rested up.  Caleb was to have a basketball game, but it was cancelled due to the icy roads.  We watched some fun movies, played some games, and read some books snuggled under some blankets and with the fireplace in use.  It was so good in fact, I didn't want to send the kids to school today.  I just love having my family near.

This morning though we got up and got ready and sent the children where they were supposed to go.  As I was driving home from dropping them off I noticed that still the leaves were stuck to the trees.  Even though they had each been coated by ice through the weekend they are still as beautiful as ever.  It was like the ice had preservation effect. 

The red leaves on the tree near our driveway.
The tree near our driveway

Isn't it beautiful?  I am so used to Idaho where by the time it snows everything is all brown, and there isn't much color left.  It was simply beautiful to see all the icy crunchy piles of leaves and the dust of white snow all around.  It creates some sort of magic in me.  I just want to stay near my loved ones and pretend we all live in a snow globe.  

 I love learning about this new home.  

The tree in front of our kitchen window. 11/25/2013
Did you notice the snow?  

1 comment:

  1. I love how you turn natures storms into cozy adventures you are so fabulous that way! Watch out for the black ice!!! Happy Thanksgiving my dear friend I am so happy I can stay connected with you through your blog. ((hugs&prayers))Michele
