Monday, November 25, 2013

The Weather

You know, we heard that we were going to love the fall and winter here in Oklahoma.  I have been loving this fall.  There are still so many trees with the beautiful colors of autumn on them.
These trees really love the leaves, they just won't let go of them.

Last week we had gorgeous weather.  There were days that were nearly 70 degrees.  I have enjoyed walking just over the mile to Leah's school in the afternoon to pick her up and the weather could not have been more picture perfect.  Walking home with the cutest kids in the world is also a wonderful thing.  I love when they share what is on their minds and also find wonderful discoveries in nature.  There have been many times when we have brought home a stick, acorn, or leaf collection.

The following picture is the street that we walk home on.  This was from a few weeks ago.  The first time I drove down this street with all of the trees I fell in love.

Well, guess what?  The weather changed.   Last Thursday morning I woke up and turned on the news to see what we were going to be expecting as far as the weather goes.  I was very surprised!  
I honestly don't remember the last time I saw a 100% chance of precipitation.  

Not only was I surprised by the 100% chance of precipitation, but I was also surprised by the sudden drop from 68 high on Thursday to 32 high on Friday, and I have never seen or been through an ICE storm before.  Then, on Sunday it showed a 70% chance of snow.  It rarely snows in Oklahoma, so it is a dramatic event when it happens.  Everyone makes a pretty big deal about it and hardly anyone is on the roads.  It's kind of nice....  

Now knowing that the weather was definitely changing from the wonderland that I had been enjoying I decided to go and talk to the Support Specialist (secretary) in at the Institute to ask about what I need to expect. She was super helpful.  After she showed me some pictures of what to expect I learned that I was thankful we had a fire place just in case the power went out. (which it did not.)

This weekend was fantastic.  We stayed home and rested up.  Caleb was to have a basketball game, but it was cancelled due to the icy roads.  We watched some fun movies, played some games, and read some books snuggled under some blankets and with the fireplace in use.  It was so good in fact, I didn't want to send the kids to school today.  I just love having my family near.

This morning though we got up and got ready and sent the children where they were supposed to go.  As I was driving home from dropping them off I noticed that still the leaves were stuck to the trees.  Even though they had each been coated by ice through the weekend they are still as beautiful as ever.  It was like the ice had preservation effect. 

The red leaves on the tree near our driveway.
The tree near our driveway

Isn't it beautiful?  I am so used to Idaho where by the time it snows everything is all brown, and there isn't much color left.  It was simply beautiful to see all the icy crunchy piles of leaves and the dust of white snow all around.  It creates some sort of magic in me.  I just want to stay near my loved ones and pretend we all live in a snow globe.  

 I love learning about this new home.  

The tree in front of our kitchen window. 11/25/2013
Did you notice the snow?  

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Happenings

Recently our oldest child, Caleb, finished his football season as a seventh grader.  He was pretty successful too because he played every minute in every game during the season.  I love that kid and the hard work ethic that he has.  He is an amazing example to me in so many ways.
Caleb now had the opportunity to make the 7th grade basketball team.  So far he has just been participating in practices, but his first game is tomorrow night, we will see how that goes.  He loves sports and loves to be busy.  Every minute spare time he has he asks to go play basketball so that he can improve as much as possible.  

Brody is currently playing the tuba in the 6th grade band.  I love listening to him play.  He is really pretty good at it and has a natural knack for it.  His band teacher Mr. C complimented him in front of the entire band the other day announcing to one and all "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a tuba player!"  Brody beamed with confidence about this.  He is thrilled to be finding his way in this new town.  He has a friend who is also in the band that he met this summer, but if you know Brody at all he has many more friends now.  That kid is one of the friendliest I have ever known.  I love his genuine heart.  

Leah exudes confidence in her academics.  She recently found out from her report card that she is excelling in each subject.  She loves her teacher.  We have decided that her teacher reminds us of Miss Honey from the book Matilda.  Leah not only believes that she is smart, but she now knows she is smart.  I have heard her claim that a few times in the last week and it sure makes my heart swell.  Leah is a girl after my own heart, she loves all things that involve the arts.  She is constantly drawing and creating.  She has expressed her desire to begin a dance class so that one day she can be a great dancer. We have enjoyed many things together as mother and daughter.  I could not be more blessed.

Drake.  Oh Drake.  That kid has me wrapped around his little finger.  Drake loves to snuggle and he enjoys playing trains, cars, and legos.  He is the life of the party whenever we go to the Institute to visit Doug at work.  Elder and Sister Homan the missionary couple who serve in the Institute also love Drake to bits.  Drake is learning to play the harmonica so that he and Elder Homan can play as a duet one day.  Drake is clever, and he knows that he is loved beyond his capacity to understand.  Drake is one smart boy and he will never cease to amaze me with words that come out of his mouth.  

Doug is learning more and more about his new job each week.  I am sure that he is overwhelmed often, and I try to ease his burdens as best as I can.  This is a huge learning curve and he has quite a bit more responsibility than he had in Idaho.   

I help at the Institute once a week by making lunch for "Friday Forum".  This is when students come to listen to a speaker and then eat a yummy lunch afterwards.  I work with another woman to do this and I am so thankful to have a purpose.  It also allows me the opportunity to meet the people Doug works with on a regular basis.  I love being able to put a face to a name. 

Doug's younger sister, Megan, recently moved here to Oklahoma and is currently residing with us.  It has been so great to have her here.  Leah mentioned how excited she was to get a sister.  Megan amazes me with how well she is getting along.  She found herself a job already and has found opportunities to work a little on the side helping an elderly couple.  She is also already in the social scene of the singles ward, she goes to all the functions she can and participates in Institute.  She is also a great support to Doug. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Not Easy

Would you say you have an easy life?


What?  You must, you look like you have it all together!

Something that I have realized lately is that not one person on this earth has it easy.  Life is NOT easy.  It wasn't meant to be.

I recently was reading the life story of my step-mom's grandmother.  I found her life so interesting.  She was born in Germany and joined the church there. She was growing up during much of the Hitler years.  Later one of the missionaries came back and married her and he then brought her back to the states.  Their life was tough!  They had a farm and also eight children.  She was married to her sweetheart for just over 20 years when he had an accident and died, leaving her alone to raise the rest of the children left at home.  She worked on the farm with her children to keep the family united and fed.
She lived as a widow for 48 more years before she was able to join her sweetheart.  Of course there are many, many, more details to this sweet woman's life, but what I realized is her life was not easy.  Though when I met this Grandma, she was so gentle and kind, I would never have imagined that she had gone through such trials.

As we prepared to move here to Oklahoma, we knew were supposed to come here.  We had that personal revelation revealed to us through the Holy Ghost.   It was amazing.  I lean on that feeling a lot.  Why?  I have to lean on that feeling a lot to remind myself that this is what the Lord wanted us to do.
Life is hard.  We have had hard times.  Not everything goes our way.  I certainly have imagined much of our experience here to go much differently.

Life certainly isn't easy, but if it were easy would it be memorable or as wonderful?  Would I be able to realize the beauty of a great day if I had not had the crummy days before?  I figure that I am still being blessed, that I am being built to be the exact person Heavenly Father wants me to be.  Through each experience I learn and I grow.  If I become bitter, I believe that my growing will lessen.  I want to be what Heavenly Father has envisioned me to become.  I don't know what the future will hold, and frankly I truly don't want to know.  I can only handle one day at a time, trying my best.  My best is not anyone else's best, but it is MY best.  If I keep putting in my best, eventually I will become better than I am today.

Knowing that others have had trials comforts me. I love knowing that we are all in this together; that generations before us have had to problem solve their lives day by day and generations after us will have to do the same.  It is in this that it really doesn't matter our age or our differences, because we all have one similar truth....Life is not Easy.

Monday, November 4, 2013


Over the last 48 hours I have thought about the topic of best friends quite a few times.

Saturday I woke and worked through some things, then I decided to try to call one of my dearest friends.  When her husband (who is super wonderful and sweet) answered the phone I was a bit disappointed, then when he told me that she was away and that he had to take a message I began to tear up.  For some reason at that point in time I just wanted to talk to her.  No one else would do.

It was the greatest last night when she returned my call.  She made my day.  She can tell me things that makes me laugh so hard, then she can understand me so well that she can bring tears to my eyes. She is a great listener and I can trust her with anything.

In a true friendship it really doesn't matter how long it has been since you have seen or talked to your friend, because the relationship is always there ready for you to pick up where you left off.

There are just some people that you connect with in life.  They understand you like no one else.

Last night Megan (Doug's sister) arrived.  She has made the giant decision to move here to Norman, Oklahoma.  We were very excited!  She was blessed to travel here with her best friend.  As she watched me while I described talking to my friend she teared up at the fact that she is going to be separating from her friend.  I enjoyed watching the way those two interacted.  They know so much about each other.  I also empathize with her.  It is tough to leave dear friends.

Today I realize how blessed I truly am.  I have had the experience of dear friends.  Those in whom I can trust with parts of my heart.  My dear friends do not ever have in their intentions to use what I have confided in them to injure me.  They are patient and kind and understanding.

I may not have millions of friends, but I can tell you that I truly value the friendship of my good, dear friends.

Thank you so much for being there when I need you.