Sunday, August 25, 2013

Check, Check, Check

Yesterday was a great day.  We accomplished/checked off some of the items we had on our "want to experience" list.

Caleb had a football scrimmage at 7:00 in the morning.  This was awesome because he had the opportunity to play for about an hour and a half during which he played 3 different teams. We were able to see what the competition was like for him, and we were also able to see some areas that he could improve.  I think he enjoyed it.

We stopped by the donut shop  on our way home so that the kids could have a fun breakfast.  Then Doug and I went to check out the local Farmer's Market.  That was great.  I know now where to go and also that I should go with cash on hand.  I can't wait to go again.  The tomatoes and watermelon looked delicious.  I learned while I was there at the Farmer's Market that people grow and sell okra here.  What exactly is okra?  What do you do with okra?  I suppose I will learn eventually.

After Doug and I came home we got some chores done, then we went on another adventure after lunch.  The institute was having an opening social at Arcadia Lake and we were invited.  It was about a 30 minute drive for us and we had enough room to squeeze in a few students.  That was a blast.  Arcadia Lake is a beautiful place located off of Route 66.  Our kids loved swimming in the lake and playing on the beach.  Caleb and Brody dug and dug in the sand creating a water way with bridges and pools and all sorts of avenues.  It was fun to see their creative side come out.  Drake and Leah played in the sand too, but they liked to swim a bit more.  Drake LOVED floating on his tummy with his face in the water.  He was so much fun to watch.  It looked like he was challenging himself to see how long he could hold his breath.  They all had such a great time swimming and playing that it was like pulling teeth to have them go eat.  We have already had requests to go back again one day.

After leaving Arcadia Lake we drove up Route 66 a little further and found the famous Pop's.  This is a place where you can buy all sorts of different flavored sodas/pops.  The walls are lined with it all the way to the ceiling.  You can also dine there, or buy's really a very glorified gas station, but very cool.

We then drove down the road a bit further to see the round red barn.  Doug got out and took a few photos, but we were all so tired that we decided to stay in the car.  Maybe when we go back we will go there first so that we will give it the proper attention it deserves.

It was a big day!  We saw many things and accomplished more than we expected.  I love the weekend when I can hang out with our cool family and do fun adventures.

Written by Camille Sturges

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The First Day of School

Well, we got through it!  We did it and it seemed long and a bit exhausting, but we did it.  Our family survived the first day of school here in Norman.
Monday night was the open house to the elementary school that Leah will be attending. Leah was very nervous about attending a new school.  She has only known Melba.  That little girl was born there, so this has to be super overwhelming for her.  Like I had noted in the last post, Leah has been having an upset stomach, and I tend to believe that it is because she is emotionally upset.  My step-mom once told me a story about a student she once had that would get a stomach ache and she finally realized that it was brought on emotionally.  I think Leah has been making herself sick, but going to the open house helped a lot!  Leah has a very sweet teacher.  We enjoyed touring the classroom and noticing all the little details.  She found that she will be sitting in groups like she did in kindergarten, and the room was so bright and clean and colorful.  We found some of the books in the room that Leah enjoys reading.  It truly was a fantastic experience.  So fantastic in fact, I decided to volunteer to help Leah's teacher a bit through out the school year.  That was the best part for Leah.  By that simple action, Leah knew that I had her back and that I was in this adventure with her.

Tuesday Brody had the opportunity to go to a half day of school with all of the other sixth graders, since they were all new to the middle school.  It was great.  Brody received his schedule then and got a great tour around campus.  He was able to find his locker and practice opening it and then he was able to go to each of his classes and meet his teachers for about 10 minutes each.  I think that eased his mind sooooo much!   Brody was elated to find that the buddy he had made at church (Isak) was going to be in a few of his classes.

Tuesday night was the middle school open house.  The time had been bumped up earlier than we had seen on the school website, so we were a bit late, and Caleb was about to freak out on us.  He certainly did not like that he had no schedule and that he did not know the campus or where all of his classes were.  Luckily his mom and dad love him so much that we were able to assist him in those areas.  We walked all around the school taking him from room to room so that he would recognize where he was when he walked into the right or wrong room.  Caleb has some great teachers.  Caleb though has a tendency to be a bit reserved, so it will be interesting to see how his teachers perceive him throughout the year.  He was happy to see that his football coach will also be his PE teacher.

SO today was the first official day.  Each of them made it to school on time.  Each of them didn't have any huge or horrible times.  All in all I would say that the day was a success.  They all seemed pretty happy with how their day ended.  Leah loved her class and teacher.  She is not the only move-in in her class.  In fact, almost half of her class is new to this elementary, so she is among friends.  She also told me about  a friend that she made named Violet, who has red hair, and is "very sweet".  Brody rode the bus home.  His mother was a nervous fit when he walked in over an hour after school got out.  (I have always enjoyed taking my kids to and from school myself, giving this up is a big sacrifice for me.)  Brody said that it was fine.  He is very excited to take band and to learn how to play the tuba.  Caleb told us that the best part of his day was going to football practice.  He was amazed at the lunch selection, and was appalled at the language of fellow classmates.  His favorite teacher so far is his homeroom teacher, who is also the Art teacher.  Doug told him he must have good taste.

Because I knew that today was going to be trying to all of these cute kiddos, I chose to try to have a comfort food for dinner tonight.  The never fail pigs in a blanket along with a side of roasted veggies.  We then invited the Fisher family over to eat brownies and ice cream with us.  It was fantastic.
I think the best part was ending the day with a little Duck Dynasty.  I love that our family has a haven here in our home.  This is a place where we all want to be, where we know that we can relax and unload.  Heaven on Earth.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Are we Sick?

It has recently occurred to me that our family is being tested.  Why would I say this you ask?  Well let me tell you.  In the last week there have been several aliments that have hit this house.  Leah came down with a sore throat and a bit of a fever for two days one week ago.  I was worried she may have strep throat, but the symptoms went away (She gave them to me).  A day or so later that little girl was also complaining about a tummy ache which seemed to last over 18 hours.  Caleb on Saturday developed severe ear pain after going swimming.  I was sure we just needed to have him sleep on it with a hot pad, but by the time Sunday afternoon hit I took him to the Urgent Care (yes, this is the same Urgent Care that Brody got his stitches on his brow).  I rarely see that kid cry and tears were flowing.  It turned out that he had a really bad case of swimmers ear that was developing into an inner ear and middle ear infection.  He is currently on the mend.  Last night was Leah's back to school open house.  Doug and I went to meet her new teacher and to find the classroom.  It was great.  Interesting though that as soon as we walked in the door back at our home Leah began to complain of a tummy ache.  She didn't want to participate in Family Home Evening (not normal behavior for Leah since she LOVES Family Home Evening more than anyone I have ever met).  I helped her to get her pajamas on and during that process she ran to the bathroom to lose her dinner. This makes me a bit nervous because school starts tomorrow.  I don't want any physical uncomfortableness for my children as they head out the door to begin something so huge.  I know that there will be plenty of reasons for them to be uncomfortable emotionally, and I worry about them so much right now.  This just gives me more reason to worry about them.
I just feel like I am being tested.  Am I going to complain?  Am I going to lose my patience?  I certainly hope not!  I want to be the example that my children will follow.
Please wish me luck and maybe some prayers that I may keep it all together.  We have  a couple more doctor appointments more to go this week. Doug has decided to finally get his checked out.  He has been gimping on that thing for months.  I am sure that a surgery is in his near future.  I need to find myself a chiropractor, my sciatic nerve is about to drive me crazy.  We can do it.  I know we can.  I am just being tested...
While you are praying, would you please submit another prayer for our little family?  Please ask for our home in Melba to sell.  It would be so great to be rid of that enormous burden.  Thanks, your great.

written by Camille Sturges

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Our First Adventures

We made it! We moved in just over one month ago.  It has been a grand month at that.  We have found many things to do to keep us entertained in Norman, and we have certainly enjoyed some down time to enjoy the rest of summer break.
Yesterday we decided to make a list of the adventures that we have gone on since we have moved here.    I wrote each adventure on a piece of paper and I let the kids rank them.  Each adventure has between 1 to 5 stars.  

Hanging out with the Fishers  ****
Move into our new house ***
Church ****
Nashville Tribute Band Concert ***
Feed the Ducks *****
Library Park ****
Feed the Missionaries*****
Play Games at the Institute ****
OU Stadium****
Braum's Ice Cream *****
Library ****
Sam Noble Natural History Museum ***1/2
Westwood Park Pool ****
Splash Pads ****
OKC Zoo ****
Frontier City *****

Now here is the list of adventures that we want to do in the future:

Cleveland County Fair
Oklahoma City National Memorial
Football Game
Fred Jones Jr. Art Museum
Lake Thunderbird
Mustang Festival
Tour Braum's Farm
Round Barn and Pop's Route 66
Route 66 Vintage Iron Motorcycle Museum
Cavanal Hill (hike the highest hill)
Andy Alligator's Fun House
National Weather Service
OKC Science Center
Farmers Market
Daily Donuts

Our family is very interested in finding all the cool (and free) things to do while we are here.  We do plan to have visitors, so when they come we can show them all that we have learned that we love.  So, if you know somewhere we need to go, please tell us.

The list of adventures that we have accomplished doesn't have some of the day to day things that we have done.
Last week we registered Leah, Brody, and Caleb for school.  We went school clothes shopping and also school supply shopping.  Caleb and Doug went to a football meeting and they were able to sign Caleb up to play football (he goes to practice and in SUPER sore when we pick him up).  
Last week we were also able to host our first visitor, my gorgeous sister Amy Davis.  It was wonderful to have her here.  That lady knows how to get things done!  While Amy was here we planted flowers in some pots on my front porch, put shelves in the laundry room, wired a star lamp to hang above my dining room table, fixed the bathroom sink, bought a steal of a deal at the thrift store for a table that we needed for the wii, made lots of art, went to the Natural History Museum, unpacked a few boxes, bought souvenirs for her family, went grocery shopping, made art, hung pictures on the walls, painted frames to go with certain arrangements, and went to get massages and facials.  It was a very productive trip!  She flew out on a Sunday after we had gone to church.  As I dropped her off at the airport she was so funny as to say, "I am sorry we didn't get much done.  I feel like we just played the whole time."  I do have to say she flew in on Thursday afternoon, and flew out at 1:00 on Sunday, that really wasn't very long.  I don't know what else we could have done!  It was fantastic!   

We look forward to having many more visitors.  I am happy to know that I can plan on my step-mom to come in October, and then in November we will get to have Doug's fabulous sister Megan for Thanksgiving.  

-written by Camille Sturges